last riverside walk
farewell beavers, turkeys, coyotes
golf course reopens
last riverside walk
farewell beavers, turkeys, coyotes
golf course reopens
Earth Day river cleanup
many small contributions
add up to big change
what to do with these
clenched fists--write poetry,
sew face masks, plant seeds
new morning routine
coffee, muffin, riverbank
before crowds arrive
half my steps today
up and down this hill--maybe
this year I'll keep up
somber morning walk
bones amid the greenery
o, this deadly spring
quiet park lagoon
grebe, merganser, muskrat, geese
distant siren wails
big mistake last night
reading the news at bedtime
nightmares all night long
picking up dog food
newfangled shopping adventure
topsy-turvy world
brave Wisconsin voters
stood in line for hours--
six feet apart for hours--
stood outside in the rain
brave Wisconsin voters
stood up to voter suppression
stood up to gerrymandering
to show the world that this is what
democracy looks like now
may they all be safe
busy morning--I'm
rarin' to go until (thud)
oh, yeah--I remember
this morning's service
white-throated sparrow chorus
sings Alleluia!